The weblog for Nooz you need. Period.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas/Happy Chanuka/Jolly Kwanzaa/etc etc everyone! (Don't you hate politically correct non-denominational greetings?)

Here's hoping that your holiday season was safe and enjoyed with the ones you love. Mine was, although I will tell you that getting a room full of people together can be challenging no matter how much love there is. Cough cough. Now you can all feel the love for the next three months as you pay off the debt you incurred. Awakened at 7:00 a.m. by two excited children who bear a striking resemblance to me, it's been a long and happy day. We even got ourselves a little Christmas blackout when the electricity went out for and hour and for no obvious reason around 8:30.

Maybe now that I've graduated from OCB and have marginally more time, I will get around to updating the photo galleries. God knows I have a lot of stuff that needs to be posted but I've not made time for it yet. Oh, and something is brewing at work that might make a mighty nice post-Christmas present, but I'm going to hold off on details until I know more. Not to be a tease, I've also posted my demo material so take a moment and listen to it if you don't mind:

I'd appreciate any comments you have in the new, improved guestbook. Hell, any comments in the guestbook at all are welcome so long as you're not posting where to buy herbal viagra... That's it for the moment... stay tuned to this bat channel for breaking information!

posted by Mark  12/25/2005 08:55:00 PM

Friday, December 02, 2005

Here ya go: the guestbook has been revamped and updated. There's a lot of new features that it provides, not the least of which is reduction in spam postings that I've been chasing for the past few months. Really, though, the changes are great for anyone who wants to sign it (AHEM THAT WOULD BE YOU) - you can now upload pictures more easily, and clicking on them will show the full size version. There are also fields for all of the popular IM logins, and links to homepages are automatically made live links. And lots of new smilies!!

High time for the update. Interested in getting something like this for yourself? You can get the code at this website.

Other news... I got my shot at running a live show at 96.5 the Star recently. The fact that I was responsible for what thousands of listeners were hearing is still sinking in. Hopefully most of said listeners were asleep when I made my first couple of screw-ups, which were at 5:30 in the morning. Have I mentioned lately that I love radio? It's a great place to be!

posted by Mark  12/02/2005 04:49:00 AM


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