The weblog for Nooz you need. Period.
Things That Are Wildly Inappropriate:
Today's example of something that you should have the sense not to do? My Ex-wife of five (and change) years calls and announces that she is
on her way to my house
with her mother and grandmother to visit the kids. What kind of reality do you have to live in for this to be acceptable? I was floored. Too bad I was home, it would have really been grand had I already been out. Now don't get me wrong, I have no issues with my kids visiting their mother and her family; I just have issues with them doing it in
my residence. I've told myself for a long time that nothing she does can surprise me and yet she always manages to find a way. Unbelievable.

OK, on to the happy news now. Friday January 27th was the night of a big event at the
radio station where I work: a concert featuring opener
Jack Ingram and headliners
Hot Apple Pie. It was a great show! Jack Ingram is an incredible performer who likes to talk to the audience, and he treated our guests to an intimate acoustic set with his guitar and one of his band members (a rather freakish looking dude). It's official; after watching all of the guys play... I'll still play my guitar with fervor and pride but I suck in comparison. Jack was followed by Brady Seals and Co. for an hour's worth of smokin' music.

One of the highlights of the night for me was the privilege of taking Brady and Mark "Sparky" Matejka to and from their hotel. It's not often that you get to spend time actually talking to the performers; usually it's a quick and dirty thing because of everything else that is going on. Brady is a hometown boy, originally from Fairfield OH and is very down to earth.
Incredible musicians, all of these guys. As usually happens at these events, I was the man with the camera for the station, a rather fun job if I might say so. Pictures of the event will be posted soon on the
Star website.
I have a movie recommendation for you:
Nanny McPhee. I worked a screening here in Cincinnati for the movie and it was definitely a worthwhile venture - that is, staying to see it. For all the comparisons to Mary Poppins, it isn't the same movie. As a parent, kinda makes me wish I had the foresight (not to mention the magic walking stick) that Nanny McPhee has. Great cast, great story - even if you can suss out in the first fifteen minutes what will ultimately happen, it's how the story is told that gets you there - and this is a journey worth taking!
Well, today was it: I had an interview this morning with Ken and Kitty for the role of morning show producer at
96.5 the Star. No word on when the decision will be made, but the interview went well and I have high hopes. Now here's hoping that I didn't screw myself by putting all of this in writing, but I'm too excited to say nothing at all. If I get the job, my hours will be hell but I don't care... because I love the business of radio and it's where I want and need to be!
OK, now that's out of the way. I want to share a funny, funny link that my friend Jeremy passed along tonight. I can't help but Chuck-le when I read the stuff here:
Chuck Norris Facts. Enjoy... more news as I get it!
JPL has provided their Year in Pictures and it's mighty impressive. Kind of humbling, really, to see this vivid imagery from distant places. Makes ya feel a wee small on the grander scale. Oh yeah, happy new year and stuff...
Happy 2006 everyone!
To some, it's a new year. To others, it's just another day. But no matter what it is to you, it's winter here in North America and
this video about the first snow of winter made me laugh - but only because I wasn't one of the dolts who was driving too fast for conditions. Also, there's a holiday toy recall... if you found
one of these under your tree, there's a chance someone's got it in for you.
Oh, and lest I forget, the Clinton Library has opened and they have
unveiled the portrait.