The weblog for Nooz you need. Period.
well, let me fill you dying, or at least it feels like it, saturday night i came down with a 102 fever and pain everywhere...sunday morning i started to throw up so hard that my nose started to bleed (gross, i know) along with my 102/103 fever i was taken to st marys hospital to the emergency room..they look at me and go, youre too sick for here, lets rush you to urgent i go to urgent care where the dr there cant seem to figure out whats wrong with me and sends me home with a nose clearer up-er a day or so go by and im still sick...99.7 temp, sore sore throat, ears hurts, cant breathe outta nose, the whole nine i go to the doctors office today where i had blood work done..i may have an infected throat and on top of that i may have mono...he said to hope for mono because if it isnt, the swollen lymph nods in my neck may mean something else, which means i may have some crazy thing...and if they get any more swollen, or to the point where i cant eat, drink or breathe i have to go to the hospital so i can have an IV put in me for pain killers and to basically feed my body...i'll have to stay there until things clear my results come back thursday, and lets hope for mono since thats something that goes away and doesnt really require being poked and prodded with needles anymore...anyways, im going to go lay down, thought i would fill you in on my crappy later...-Joey
Two months is a long time between updates. I won't try to cover it all here, but I've been inundated with computer problems (a power outage took out my old motherboard) and that forced me out of commission at home for a little over a week. I now own an
Epox 8KHA+ mainboard and it's incredible. For anyone reading this that likes to build PCs, this is a rock-solid board that excels at multimedia (I watch a lot of DVDs on here). All I needed was one good reason to replace the turd-of-an-Asus motherboard that I had before. And lastly on the technological front, the webcam shot is old because I need to get the webcam working again and I'm too lazy to mess with it. Soon, soon, I know you're waiting with baited breath.
Saturday, 7/21 is Lauren's birthday party, and she turns one. I just realized I don't have any decent pictures of her up here. I have a nice fresh stack sitting here waiting to be scanned. I procrastinate the scanning thing because it's really a pain in the if anyone knows of a good digital camera in the 3 megapixel range,
please tell me why you like it.